The Irish Early Career Awards | Recognising Ireland's Early Career Achievers
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The 2024 Lincoln Recruitment Irish Early Career Awards took place on Tuesday the 24th of September in the Royal Irish Academy of Music with award-winning Irish Comedian Neil Delamere as MC. Over 200 guests were in attendance from over 50 different companies across Ireland.


The Lincoln Irish Early Career Awards celebrate excellence and recognise the achievements of early career professionals in Ireland, and ultimately, reward innovation, best practice and outstanding achievement across a broad range of sectors. 


The awards night provides an important opportunity to recognise and showcase professional stars as they progress on their career journey. This year’s awards had 12 individual categories and 1 employer category up for nomination. 


To read about this year’s winners click here.



For exciting sponsorship opportunities for 2025 Irish Early Career Awards, phone 086-1662316 or email Gail Finegan